Sunday, June 15, 2014

It's summer!!

Hello everyone :)

I miss blogging and I can't believe that I've finally got the chance to be back and I know I shouldn't leave for such a long time!!

What have you been doing so far? It's finally FUN season! I Love June and I love summer as well so this time of the year is very refreshing to me. I always feel like it's the time where you sort your to-do lists for the year again and add fun to that! Last two months were a little busy and messy for me but there were two lovely tiny kids joining our family - a nephew and a niece :3 - I spent those two months visiting relatives, eating delicious food, wedding parties, checking my favorite bloggers, and working! But for the upcoming sunny hot days I have planned a lot of joyful, fun things to do!! Besides it's world cup fever time!!! How about you? I wish you a summer full of fun!! Enjoy! 


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