Thursday, August 14, 2014

DIY - Lip scrub !!

Happy thursday everyone :D today I thought I would share with you something I've recently became addicted to! which is a lip scrub - I've been looking for "the" best lip scrub, a lot of people recommended a DIY scrub so I thought let's try that! I've been using it now for almost two months and I can tell you I am 100% in love with how my lips look and feel! it's simple, effective and you can always refill it ;p the main two products for a simple lip scrub would be sugar and oil and that's it but as I was searching I found some who said that you can add just about what you like so here is how I did mine, we will need:
- Normal sugar (some say they use powder sugar but it gave me a paste sort of thing! so I went to normal one) - 2 tbs
- Olive oil (or any oil you wish) - ½ or 3/4 tbs
- Rose water (because I know how beneficial it is to beauty purposes - and that is my personal addition to the scrub ;p) - 3-6 drops as you like
- food color (just a fun addition and to make it look professional!) - 3 drops
- container

first add the sugar and then the oil gradually and make sure that sugar is always greater than the oil or else it will be too greasy >_< we defiantly don't want that! and this is how it's gonna look like

then add the rose water and the color, mix them all together and you have your lovely lip scrub!! you can also add flavor but I didn't like it :p

and to get the best out of this scrub I put a lip butter on before sleeping because it gives my lips intensive moister and when I wake up I scrub my lips gently but making sure that every dead cell or flake is removed and then I apply a lip balm just because the sugar makes you feel like your lips are dry!

Trust me you will fall in love with your lips ! I know I did ;)
enjoy your weekend !  

Labello lip butter ( Raspberry rose), Labello lip balm (strawberry)  


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